1. 让我来帮你完成工作吧。
× Let me help you to do your work.
√ Let me help you with your work.
2. 我建议你去休个长假。
× I recommend you to take a long vacation.
√ I recommend that you take a long vacation.
3. 过来。
× Come to here.
√ Come here.
4. 太阳从东方升起。
× The sun rises from the East.
√ The sun rises in the East.
5. 小偷是从窗户爬进来的。
× The thief got in from the window.
√ The thief got in through the window.
6. 让我们从第10页开始。
× Let's begin from page 10.
√ Let's begin at(on) page 10.
7. 我耐心有限。
× There is a limit in my patience.
√ There is a limit to my patience.
8. 请在白线内等待。
× Please wait inside the white line.
√ Please wait behind the white line.
9. 你家房子买了火险吗?
× Is your house insured for fire?
√ Is your house insured against fire?
10. 我没地方住。
× I have no house to live.
√ I have no house to live in.